Longlevens Junior School

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SEND Provision

Longlevens Junior School - Local Offer of support for Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

Longlevens Junior School values the contribution that every child makes and is supported by the Local Authority to ensure that all pupils, regardless of their specific needs, make the best possible progress.

The school seeks to raise the achievement, remove barriers to learning and increase physical and curricular access for all. All children and young people with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) are valued, respected and considered equal members of the school. As such, provision for pupils with SEND is a matter for the school as a whole.

SEND or Special Educational Needs and Disability is when pupils may need additional or different provision to enable them to achieve their potential.

It is when one or more of the following is a barrier to their learning:

  • Speech
  • Language and Communication
  • Learning
  • Medical, Physical or Sensory Need
  • Social, Emotional and Mental 

SEND Contact details

1. Head of School - Sarah Flattery - 01452 530177, or sflattery@lpf.school 
2. Inclusion Lead and SENDCo – Charlotte Holloway – 01452 530177, or cholloway@lpf.school 
3. Children and family support worker - Karen Williamson - 01452 530177, or kwilliamson@lpf.school 
4.Children and family support worker - Toni Davis - 01452 530177, or tdavis@lpf.school 
5. School Nurse - referral via school
6. Gloucestershire Parent Partnership Service – (GPPS) 08001583603  Click here

SEND Documentation

SEND Policy 24-25

LPF Identification of SEN Flowchart