Our School Dress Code
From September 2024 there will be a change of uniform please refer to Logo letter 16/04/2024
Ordering uniform for September?
Deadline for ordering new uniform for September - July 19th
For every day wear we hope parents will be able to provide children with the following:
All children: |
White Shirt / White Polo Shirt (with or without the school logo) |
Green Sweatshirt / Cardigan (with or without the school logo) |
Grey / Black Trousers, Skirt, Shorts or Pinafore (no skinny trousers, stretch or tube skirts) |
Grey, Black or White socks (plain-no logo, no grip socks) |
An Art Shirt – juniors only (this can be an adult’s old shirt) |
Summer Only: Green Stripe / Gingham dress |
Black Shoes (no open toes or sling backs) Black Trainers are permitted but only if they are completely plain black, including laces, soles & logos (see below for examples of acceptable and unacceptable shoes) In winter we do allow short black smart boots; no fashion boots |
Hats: In the winter and summer children are encouraged to wear a hat either to keep them warm or to keep the sun off their heads. |
Sports Kit
The PE kit should consist of the following:
- Plain Black joggers, leggings, shorts or skort (no logos, text or patterns)
- A T-shirt with short sleeves in the child's house colour (with or without school logo. No other logos, image sports shirts or frills)
Infant School = Crocs: Yellow, Mice: Red, Larks: Blue, Owls: Green.
Junior School = Barrie: Yellow, Potter: Red, Henley: Blue, Rowling: Green.
- Pupils should wear their School Sweatshirt or cardigan.
- LJS-Trainers
- LIS- Trainers, DAPS or plimsolls.
- Trainers should be sensible and with no glitter or flashing lights.
At LJS we ask that children arrive at school wearing their PE kit on the days when they have PE. If LJS children are attending an after-school sport club, they should wear normal uniform and bring kit in a bag.
At LIS we ask that they keep it in school and get changed for PE. Getting changed independently is part of our life skills curriculum.
PE days are listed here.
Forest School Kit
If your child’s class is doing Forest School, we will advise you in the newsletter as well as on this page.
On the day they have Forest School please send your child to school with a long sleeved top, trousers/joggers, wellies and an additional coat/waterproofs that may potentially become muddy or damaged due to the very practical nature of forest school activities. Several layers are required during the colder months.
If you are unable to provide your child with an additional coat for Forest School, we will presume you are happy for them to wear the coat that they wear to and from school, even though it may get damaged.
Jewellery & Hair Accessories
- Watches may be worn as they have an educational value but they are worn under parental responsibility. Apple Watches or similar SMART devices are not allowed.
- Children whose ears have been pierced may wear a small stud, but under no circumstances should pendant or hoop earrings be worn to school, as they are a potential danger in the playground and in P.E. and games lessons.
- Local Authority policy requires those pupils who do wear ear studs, remove them for games and PE activities, if they are unable to do so, then they will be asked to tape them up for health and safety reasons.
- Hair bands and clips in school colours (plain green, grey, black and white) may be worn to tie long hair up but these should be small and unobtrusive. Fashion hair accessories are not permitted.
- The wearing of extreme fashion haircuts, nail varnish, make-up, tattoos and jewellery in school (including rings and bracelets) is not allowed.
The school can take no responsibility for the loss of valuable possessions.
School Bags & Pencil Cases
A small rucksack can be brought to school but children are not required to bring in a pencil case. All stationery will be provided in class.
At LIS children are encouraged to bring a book bag to keep their reading book and reading record in.
In addition to the usual plain, black shoes, children are permitted to wear plain, black trainers. However, for this to work we need to see the appropriate footwear being worn at all times. Shoes should be entirely black, flat-heeled and leather or leather look in appearance (no canvas or soft material). They should not have any obvious logos or writing on them and have black laces. Children who do not wear the correct footwear will be able to borrow from the supply we have in school.
Children are allowed to come into school in non-uniform if their birthday is on a school day. Please support this special treat by following the uniform policy. Please note that children should not wear non-uniform in school when their birthday has fallen on a weekend or during the school holidays.