Online Safety Team
At LJS we have an active Online Safety Team which this page is about.
For online safety support click here.
What do we do?
We work together to keep the school community as safe as possible online. We achieve this through a variety of means including: regular meetings, information stands at parent's evenings, workshops, information in newsletters, lessons in school, assemblies and more.
Who are we?
All children are invited to apply for the role of Online Safety Team member for their class each year. This year the following children were appointed:
Pupil Lead |
Teasel |
Foxglove |
Clover |
Larkspur |
Willow |
Oak |
Beech |
Elm |
Kestrel |
Wren |
Osprey |
Starling |
Juniper |
Hawthorn |
Hazel |
Rowan |
Mrs Sharpe (Online Safety Leader)
Mrs Hart (Designated Safeguarding Leader)
Mrs Portch (Safeguarding governor)
GHS UK (Technical support)
Mrs George (PSHE Leader)
Ms Holloway (SENDCo)