Longlevens Junior School

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Head's welcome

Welcome to our school website

It is an absolute privilege to be Head of School here at Longlevens Junior School, where I am lucky to lead an incredible team of staff who are committed to making every day at school count for your children. Through our enriching, ambitious and creative curriculum we aspire to develop the whole child academically, socially and morally.  We offer a wealth of provision beyond the curriculum - in sport, performing arts, stem and our broad range of extra-curricular clubs and have a comprehensive pastoral offer.  At LJS we are passionate about providing all our children with the very best education, regardless of the barriers they may face. We want school to be a place where everyone feels safe and happy – a school they proudly call their own! 

All our decision making at LJS is centred around our core drivers: Child-centred, Enriching, Community. These sit at the heart of everything we do. Alongside our committed, passionate staff, we have happy children, engaged parents and a supportive governing body; together we make LJS the wonderful school it is. 

Please take a look around our website and get a feel for the school, better still pay us a visit and see all that we offer in action. If you would like any more information or would be interested in visiting our school, please contact the school office.  

Sarah Flattery